1. S + have + difficulty/problems/trouble/a hard time + V-ing …有困難、問題、麻煩
S + have + fun/a good time + V-ing   …有樂趣、感到愉快

句中的difficulty、trouble和fun為不可數名詞,可用great、much、a lot of……表示程度。


James had a hard time to winning a champion.

"I have a hard time"

2. S + have + been + p.p. (+ by O) 已經被…


Curry has been taken home by his parents.

"I have been" by

3. S + be/get used to + V-ing 習慣於(某困難或陌生之事),適應…
S + used to + V 曾經,過去常…

1. be used to的to為介系詞,接V-ing或名詞。
2. used to + V表示過去持續或經常發生的事,如今不在發生。
3. 類似用法:be/get accustomed to + V-ing; accustom oneself to + V-ing


I am used to eating McDonald for dinner. 我習慣晚餐吃麥當勞。

I used to eat McDonald for dinner. 我過去習慣晚餐吃麥當勞。

"I used to"

4. Because + S1 + be/V1 . . . , S2 + be/V2 . . .
Because of + N, S + be/V . . . 因為,由於

1. because/because of置於主要子句的前、後皆可。
2. 類似用法:because of = as a result of = on account of = owing to = due to


Because there is a typhoon, the students don’t have to go to school today.

Because of a typhoon, the students don’t have to go to school today.

"Because of"

5. S + V1/be . . . (in order) to + V2
→ S + V1/be . . . so as to + V2
→ S + V1/be . . . for the purpose of + V2-ing 目的是;以便;為了

1. in order to + V 意為「為了…」,用於句首用以加強語氣。
2. so as to + V不置於句首。
3. for the purpose of + V-ing 可用於句首或句尾。
4. 否定時:in order not to + V,so as not to + V,for the purpose of not + V-ing


Amy studies for 15 hours a day in order to study in MIT.

Amy studies for 15 hours a day so as to study in MIT.

Amy studies for 15 hours a day for the purpose of studying in MIT.

"in order to"

"so as to"

"for the purpose of"